Attract Wealth & Prosperity: Law Of Attraction Subliminal Meditation | Relax & Manifest Wealth

This subliminal meditation session combines 5 subconscious techniques.
1. Spoken affirmations
2. Visual subliminal affirmations (see the list below)
3. Audio subliminal messages (spoken affirmations, 6 female voices and 4 male ones, with different volume).
4. Supraliminal messages (spoken affirmations, 2 female voices, 1 male voice). They’re silent, but you can hear them. There’s no need to focus on them. They were intentionally made that way: slightly above the threshold of perception.
5. Relaxing meditation music.

For even better results, combine this meditation with visual subliminal messages on your PC screen. Just use our famous Subliminal Flash software & retrain your subconscious mind for total success. It silently dislays subliminal messages of your choice on your computer screen while you surf the web, work, play games, etc.

This is a video meditation that will help you to manifest and attract wealth, prosperity, abundance of money and success. It is based on the main principle of the Law of Attraction – you get what you believe in. This subliminal meditation retrains your subconscious mind to attract wealth (by changing your subconsicous beliefs). It also contains additional subliminal affirmations, that will help you to get rid of stress and anxiety and build self-confidence. This subliminal session can also be used to manifest wealth while you sleep.


For best results use it on a regular basis. You will notice results in 30-60 days.

You can use this subliminal session in two ways:

1. Watch the video and listen to the sound.

2. If you have no time to watch the video – then just listen to the sound while performing your routine tasks. It will still be effective.

Make yourself comfortable and listen to this recording, preferably wearing headphones. Do not use this recording while operating machinery or driving vehicles.

Some of the music tracks in this video also contain binaural beats – 7.83 Hz theta frequency (Schumann resonance) with the carrier frequency of 128 Hz + Isochronic tone (528 Hz solfeggio frequency). The isochronic tone added to this meditation slow your brain down. The theta frequency (binaural beats) help you to “fine tune your brain” to better accept the power affirmations. This binaural frequency creates a very receptive state of mind. In addition, the brainwave entrainment track is enhanced with a 528 Hz solfeggio frequency, recorded below the level of your perception. This solfeggio frequency is known as the Miracle Tone, Frequency of Transformation, Love Frequency. It works just like a charm, but you should listen with headphones if you want this to take effect.

►► You can listen to this session while you’re working, reading news, playing games, surfing the web, meditating and even sleeping. Sleep hypnosis is an extremely powerful technique. Just create a playlist with your favorite subliminal sessions and listen to it while you sleep (at a comfortable volume).

No need to focus your attention on the spoken affirmations. Just listen to this session as if it was a relaxing background music. Your subconscious mind will accept affirmations without any effort on your part.

►► Below is a list of just a few of the subliminal affirmations used in this session (there are over 500 subliminal messages in this session, we don’t list them all here):
You are a magnet for money,
You attract abundance,
Prosperity is drawn to you,
Money comes to you in expected and unexpected ways,
You are open to all the wealth life offers you,
Money comes to you easily and effortlessly,
Wealth constantly flows into your life,
Your actions create constant prosperity,
You are aligned with the energy of abundance,
Your finances improve beyond your dreams,
Money is your servant,
You are the master of your wealth,
You attract success,
You are at peace with having a lot of money,
You are mindful,
You live a prosperous life,
You are acting on inspiration and insights,
You are able to handle large sums of money,
You trust your inner guidance,
Money creates positive impact in your life,
You wipe away negative energies,
You attract love,
You are receiving infinite and immediate abundance,
You are increasingly confident,
You can handle massive success with grace,
You attract positive energy,
You stop worrying,
You manifest wealth while you sleep,
You let your desires flow to you,
You follow your intuition,
You attract money,
You start living peacefully,
You attract positive vibrations,

►► It also contains affirmations from the first person (“I”):
I attract money now,
I feel Rich,
I am a money magnet,
My income is growing higher and higher,
I have the power to attract money,
I am very happy & grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from many sources on a continuous basis,
I am receiving money now,
I am grateful for what I already have and for all that I receive now,
I receive money happily now,
Money now comes to me from unexpected sources & I am grateful,
I see abundance everywhere,
I am willing, ready and able to receive money,
I love money. Money loves me,
I have more than enough money,
I have more than what I need,
Money flows to me easily,
I am a rich child of a loving universe,

For best results we recommend you combining this video with other videos from our channel. Here’s a link to the previous one:

Attract Wealth & Prosperity: Law Of Attraction Subliminal Meditation | Relax & Manifest Wealth
Attract Wealth & Prosperity: Law Of Attraction Subliminal Meditation | Relax & Manifest Wealth