When Your Thoughts Become Your Life

Do you understand the reason behind thinking the things you do? It is Because you are the person who tells your mind to do so. Your mind trusts you tremendously and hence takes everything that you say to be true. This is how the subconscious mind works. It can’t differentiate between fantasy and reality. The conscious mind is responsible for differentiating them equally.

If you think something is true, it is because you’ve repeated it To yourself several occasions. This way you convince yourself of things which are false to be true. You don’t do this intentionally though. All of the information gets stored in your subconscious mind even though untrue. Once it occurs, everything that occurs in your life will reinforce your belief. You receive the evidence of what you think in. Hence your are the person who has created this fact for yourself. So what does it mean? Let’s see below.

Allow me to give you an example. You might believe that you do aren’t Capable of success and realizing your dreams. If that is what you’re convinced about, you won’t ever be motivated to change your view. You may turn a blind eye to the opportunities that bring you success. Even when you once take a chance, and hit a roadblock and don’t proceed, your belief becomes strengthened. You will believe you never had it in you, hence couldn’t succeed. Hence this belief becomes even more strongly embedded in your mind.

Each time you have a notion you exude energy to the world. You Have a positive idea and this emits positive energy, but your older doubts crop up and neutralize the positive energy. The world then does not act on the positive idea you’ve just transmitted. So you’ve got no odds of succeeding. So the negative belief again wins and then you never move on your life. You also reinforce the belief that you could never succeed on your life.

If you want to succeed in your lifetime, you need to examine the beliefs That you hold. These beliefs could be about anything adore, Profession, religion etc., you have to examine it almost to establish or disprove them. You Need to boldly examine all of the negative beliefs And arrive on the source of why you believe in them. When You know The motives, it is possible to work to change these beliefs. Positive Affirmations can help you a good deal in this regard. Soon you will start to Reap the consequences of using these affirmations to change your view system. You may replace each and every negative impression that you have held and that has prevented you from progressing in life.

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