►ATTRACT UNEXPECTED MONEY FAST (888Hz + Subliminal) | #3 Money Music + Binaural + Subliminal

►Attract Money Fast: Powerful Money Music + Binaural + Subliminal Affirmations (Part 3). Affirmations and subliminal messages focused on attracting unexpected money fast (in 30 days or less). However it will also work if you use it for a longer term. Can be used in combination with Parts #1 and #2 or separately. “I am” money affirmations, combined with meditative money music, binaural beats and 888Hz money frequency help you to activate The Law Of Attraction. Golden Apple is used as a visualization.

This session contains powerful techniques that will help you to experience the power of the Law of Attraction:
► Audio subliminal messages (2048 voices with different volume. You cannot hear them)
► Visual subliminal messages (some examples are listed below)
► Spoken affirmations – supraliminal messages (4 voices). They’re silent, but you can hear them. No need to focus on these voices: we have intentionally recorded them this way – slightly above the threshold of conscious perception.
► 888Hz solfeggio frequency (“Golden Hand” frequency). It helps to rewire your subconscious mind to manifest unexpected money and to get rid of fears, negative blocksand negative energy. Start to attract positive vibrations and energy of abundance.
► Alpha, beta and theta binaural beats are interchanging each other throughout the meditative audio track to make subliminal messages even more effective.
► Meditation music. It helps you to manifest abundance with ease and to get rid of negative beliefs
► Relaxing ocean sound for better meditation.

This meditation video will help you to manifest wealth and attract money on a subconscious level. In addition to the “I AM” money affirmations it also contains some general ones, that will help you to liberate from negative subconsious beliefs and fears. Use this manifestation session for 30-60 days and you will start noticing, that you start manifesting all your wishes and dreams. It literally works as a powerful money mantra.

Relax, take a deep breath and start listening to this session.

While listening to this recodrding, visualize the changes happening (visualizing for the first 5-10 minutes will be enough). Then you can just listen to it while you do your routine tasks: play games, read news, surf the web, etc.
It is also extremely effective if used while you sleep.

Duration: 1 to 60 Weeks.

Our destiny is maintained at an unconscious level of mind. “You get what you believe in” – this is the main principle of The Law Of Attraction.


Below we list some of the subliminal messages used in this session (there are over 1200 subliminal messages in this session, we don’t list all of them here):
I manifest financial prosperity,
I am powerful,
I am the master of my wealth,
I have more than enough money.
I manifest abundance with ease,
I attract money fast,
I attract money,
I am acting on inspiration and insights,
I can manifest anything I want,
I trust my intuition,
I am a magnet for money,
I am visualizing prosperity,
I am successful in any area of my life,
I am attracting wonderful opportunities today,
I attract positive vibrations,
I manifest money fast,
I follow my intuition,
I live a prosperous life,
I naturally attract good fortune,
Money flows to me in abundance,
I have the will and the drive to succeed,
My finances improve beyond my dreams,
I attract success and good fortune,
I am thankful for my many successes,
I attract success and abundance,
I attract success in all areas of my life,
I am making a meaningful contribution to the world,
I love money. Money loves me.
I attract positive vibrations,
Meditation helps me to get rid of anxiety,
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly,
Unexpected money comes to me now,
I am visualizing prosperity.
Money creates positive impact in my life,
I trust my inner guidance,
I am a magnet for money,
I always succeed.
I am able to handle large sums of money,
I am self-confident,
I feel Rich,
My life is full of abundant success,
I always succeed,
I have the will and the drive to succeed,
I am ready to receive unexpected wealth,
I am the only one who can stop me,
I know who I am,
Everything I need is already within me,
Abundance comes to me in expected and unexpected ways,
I am visualizing money,
Money is my servant,
I am patient,
I attract positive energy,

For even more impressive results, combine this meditation video with other subliminal sessions from our channel. The link to our previous “Receive unexpected wealth” session is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_cpAT14C5k

#moneymusic #attractmoney #lawofattraction #manifestprosperity #subliminalmessages #888Hz
attract money fast